Job offers

Qualification requirements for scientific posts

Employment in the research position of assistant, assistant professor, professor in the Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences, is organized through a competition announced by the Institute Director.

Qualification requirements for research positions:


The objective of employment in the position of assistant is to conduct creative scientific work, as well as to obtain the knowledge necessary for the third, highest stage of education, documented with the preparation of a doctoral thesis, usually within the period of no more than 4 years.

To be appointed to the position of assistant in the Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials of PAN, the person needs to meet the following conditions:

  1. Possessing at least the occupational title of M.Sc. in chemical, physical, technical or related sciences.
  2. Possessing the ability to plan and conduct works in a laboratory, and to develop the results obtained.
  3. Knowing the English language to the degree allowing to make comfortable use of scientific literature and to present results in conferences and seminars.
  4. Possessing the predispositions and strong motivation for scientific work, and the predispositions for teamwork.
  5. Undertaking to prepare a PhD thesis in the Centre within 4,5 years under the supervision of an employee of the Center authorized to perform the function of a supervisor in the procedure for awarding the doctoral degree.


Assistant Professor 

The objective of working at the position of assistant professor is further scientific development, and for the persons without the academic degree of habilitated doctor – to obtain the qualifications, documented through habilitation, to conduct independent scientific research.

To be appointed to the position of assistant professor, the person needs to meet the following conditions:

  1. Possessing the academic degree of doctor or habilitated doctor, in the field consistent with the scope of activities of the Centre
  2. After obtaining a doctoral degree, be the author or co-author of at least four publications in journals with at least 100 points from MEiN and at least 35 points from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the case of publications published until 2018, of the total impact factor of at least 15
  3. Being a corresponding or co-correspondence author of at least one of the above-mentioned publications
  4. Obtain a positive evaluation of the scientific activity of the last periodic evaluation (applies to persons employed in the Centre)
  5. Presenting the opinions of two independent researchers on its ability to conduct scientific research
  6. Presenting at the seminar at the CMPW PAN an outline of research aimed at obtaining the degree of habilitated doctor in accordance with the research topic of the Centre, if he does not have a habilitated doctor a degree


Associate Professor

The condition necessary for employing a person in the position of associate professor, is possession of the degree of habilitated doctor or academic title.

To be appointed to the position of associate professor, the person needs to meet the following conditions:

  1. Possessing the academic degree of habilitated doctor or academic title.
  2. After obtaining the degree of habilitated doctor, be the author or co-author of at least 6 scientific publications, in journals with at least 100 points from MEiN and at least 35 points from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the case of publications created by 2018 with a total IF of at least 24
  3. Being a corresponding author of at least two of the above-mentioned publications
  4. Obtaining or applying for the projects financed from European or domestic resources (National Science Centre, National Centre for Research and Development).
  5. Holding the function of supervisor in at least one procedure for granting a doctoral degree at the Centre
  6. Obtain a positive evaluation of the scientific activity of the last periodic evaluation (applies to persons employed in the Centre)
  7. Presenting the plan of scientific activities compliant with the research subjects of the Centre, at a meeting of the Scientific Council.

 The tasks of an associate professor include, in particular:

  1. Conducting scientific works at the highest level, in the subject considered to be significant for the Centre.
  2. Obtaining resources for execution of that research.
  3. Being involved in the scientific development of the Centre.
  4. Being involved in the development of the research staff of the Centre.
  5. Aspiring to maintain harmonious collaboration between the research teams of the Centre, as per the rules of ethics in science and good scientific practice.


The condition which needs to be met in order to be employed in the position of professor, is possessing the academic title and taking care of at least one person preparing a doctoral dissertation at the Center, in accordance with the subject of the research carried out at the Centre (applies to people employed at the Centre)

Employing someone in the position of professor constitutes a sign of appreciation for the scientific achievements of the given person, but also a sign of expectations from the candidate as a researcher co-responsible for the future of the Centre through the subjects it researches.

A candidate for the position of professor is obliged to present the plan of scientific activities aimed at developing prospective research directions in the Centre, at a meeting of the Scientific Council.

The tasks of a professor include:

  1. Conducting scientific works at the highest level, in the subject considered to be significant for the Centre.
  2. Obtaining resources for execution of that research.
  3. Being involved in the scientific development of the Centre.
  4. Being involved in the development of the research staff of the Centre.


People appointed to the position of assistant, assistant professor, associate professor, professor are obligated to familiarize themselves with the set of guidelines titled “Good customs in science”, developed by the Ethics in Science Committee operating at the Executive Committee of PAN.

The decision to appoint a assistant, assistant professor, associate professor, professor is made by the Director of the Center. With regard to the position of associate professor and professor, the decision is made after receiving a positive opinion of the Scientific Council.

Read 5375 times

Address and contact details

Our Address:
ul. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 34
41-819 Zabrze
Tel. +48 32 271-60-77
Fax +48 32 271-29-69
Rzecznik prasowy:
Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Adamus, tel. +48 32 271-60-77 w. 226

Inspektor Ochrony Danych:
mgr Paulina Gąsior, tel. +48 32 271-60-77 w. 236
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In short

The Center belongs to category A of scientific facilities in Poland. It was established on January 1, 2007 as a result of a merger of the Center of Polymer Chemistry of PAN in Zabrze and the Institute of Carbochemistry of PAN in Gliwice – two centers of the Polish Academy of Sciences which, for many years, had been conducting systematic work on the production and properties of macromolecular polymer and carbon materials.

image      BIP CMPW PAN