
Science Day 16th September 2011

On September 16, 2011 the Center of Polymer and Carbon Materials of PAN participated in the 7th edition of the “Science Day” in the Poległych Bohaterów Park in Zabrze.

The main goal of the event was to promote science we come across every day in an unconventional, accessible and interesting way.

Similar to past years, the “Science Day” was addressed mainly at students of primary, middle and secondary schools, although other residents of Zabrze and its surroundings, interested in an unconventional presentation of scientific, technical and cultural topics, also found many attractions among the 40 exhibitors. The event was organized by: the Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development, the City Hall and the Center for Practical Training in Zabrze.

Under the slogan: “Polymers are the Future”, the Center of Polymer and Carbon Materials of PAN presented surprising, original and effective chemical experiments related to creating polyurethane foams, giant soap bubbles, “moon surfaces”, candy worms, a chemical garden, interfacial polymerization, fast crystallization, as well as volcano eruptions and other experiments.

During the Friday educational picnic visitors could also vote for the most interesting educational stand. Despite strong competition, the Center of Polymer and Carbon Materials of PAN proved to be the most interesting for guests and was awarded 1st prize in the competition for the most interesting exhibition stand during the 7th Science Day.

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Address and contact details

Our Address:
ul. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 34
41-819 Zabrze
Tel. +48 32 271-60-77
Fax +48 32 271-29-69
Rzecznik prasowy:
Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Adamus, tel. +48 32 271-60-77 w. 226

Inspektor Ochrony Danych:
mgr Paulina Gąsior, tel. +48 32 271-60-77 w. 236
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In short

The Center belongs to category A of scientific facilities in Poland. It was established on January 1, 2007 as a result of a merger of the Center of Polymer Chemistry of PAN in Zabrze and the Institute of Carbochemistry of PAN in Gliwice – two centers of the Polish Academy of Sciences which, for many years, had been conducting systematic work on the production and properties of macromolecular polymer and carbon materials.

image      BIP CMPW PAN