

“Day of Poland” an initiative organized by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland was held on 9 June 2015 in Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

The event was accompanied by the scientific conference "The role and place of science in countries under conversion". Bulgarian and Polish scientists from institutes of the Bulgarian and Polish Academy of Sciences gave lectures on the scientific cooperation in the fields of historical research, polymer nanomaterials for biomedical applications, the impact of climate change and adapt certain sectors of national economies in Bulgaria and Poland, the main characteristics, trends and challenges in scientific development in Bulgaria and Poland during the transition. Prof. S. Rangelov presented a long-standing cooperation between Institute of polymers, BAS and Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials, PAN with lecture entitled "Bulgarian-Polish cooperation in the field of polymer nanomaterials for biomedical applications."

Official guest at the conference was Mr. Olgierd Dziekoński, state secretary in the office of President of the Republic of Poland, who presented a comprehensive report entitled "Local Government - Science - Innovation".

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Address and contact details

Our Address:
ul. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 34
41-819 Zabrze
Tel. +48 32 271-60-77
Fax +48 32 271-29-69
Rzecznik prasowy:
Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Adamus, tel. +48 32 271-60-77 w. 226

Inspektor Ochrony Danych:
mgr Paulina Gąsior, tel. +48 32 271-60-77 w. 236
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In short

The Center belongs to category A of scientific facilities in Poland. It was established on January 1, 2007 as a result of a merger of the Center of Polymer Chemistry of PAN in Zabrze and the Institute of Carbochemistry of PAN in Gliwice – two centers of the Polish Academy of Sciences which, for many years, had been conducting systematic work on the production and properties of macromolecular polymer and carbon materials.

image      BIP CMPW PAN